Channel: Vector Slate | Graphic Design Tutorials
Category: Education
Tags: how toprint designbasicsphotoshop ccdesign theoryresolutionweb designtipsillustrator tutorialscmykvectordpipixeltips for beginnerspixel per inchdesign tipsposter designgraphic design tutorialsppigraphic designvector slatephotoshop tutorialsbanner designprintprinting tipsmockup designmagazinelogo designillustrator ccillustrator
Description: Lots of Learners & Beginner Designers get confused about Pixel, Inch, Resolution, and DPI/PPI. So here I've explained what PPI and which Unit you should choose while working. After Watching this, You will be Sure about what PPI & Resolution to set in your next project ► More Tutorials: ► I hope you'll learn something out of it. :) Do Like & Subscribe. Keep Learning!! ================================ Twitter : Facebook : Instagram : Business Inquiry : ================================